Keep Your Nursing Pillow Clean: A Step-by-Step Guide

Nice and soft colorful pillow for a child, it's great for their sleeping image on white
Going from expecting a new baby to actually having a newly-arrived bundle of joy can be overwhelming, and one of the last things parents are probably thinking about is the hygiene of their nursing pillow. Nursing pillows can easily accumulate bacteria, dirt, and other particles that can harm the baby’s health, which is why it’s important to keep them clean.
In this post, we’ll provide you with a step-by-step guide to ensure your nursing pillow is clean and safe. We’ll go over the types of nursing pillows available, how to properly clean and care for them, and discuss the best materials for a nursing pillow. We want to make sure your baby is as safe as possible, and with this guide, you’ll have the information you need to keep your nursing pillow clean and healthy.
What Is A Nursing Pillow?
A nursing pillow is a specially designed pillow used to support a baby during breastfeeding. There are several benefits to having such an item for nursing mothers, including improved posture and comfort for both the mother and her baby. It also helps to keep the baby in the correct position while feeding, helping with their latch and allowing for extra support. Nursing pillows come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and materials, so it’s important to understand which type is best suited for you before purchasing one.
Nursing Pillow Cleaning Tips
Before attempting to clean a nursing pillow, it is important to make sure you have all the necessary supplies on hand. These may include dish soap, bleach, stain remover, a large basin or bucket, and a clean cloth or sponge. In addition, it is important to identify the material that your nursing pillow is made out of in order to ensure that you use the correct cleaning technique. You may also have a nursing pillow with a cover that can be washed separately; be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when cleaning the cover.
Machine Washing
Machine washing is typically the most convenient method for cleaning a nursing pillow; however, not all types of nursing pillows are suitable for machine washing. If your pillow is made from synthetic fabrics such as cotton or polyester-cotton blends, then it can be placed in the washing machine with a gentle laundry detergent. However, if the pillow contains delicate details like embroidery or lace, it should be cleaned by hand instead. To machine wash your nursing pillow:
- Place the pillow in the washing machine with ¼ cup of mild laundry detergent
- Set the wash cycle on the delicate setting
- Once finished, allow the pillow to air dry completely before using
Hand Washing
For nursing pillows made from fabrics such as wool or velvet that are not suitable for machine washing, hand washing can be done instead. To hand wash your nursing pillow:
- Fill a large basin or bucket with room temperature water and add 1 teaspoon of mild laundry detergent
- Submerge your nursing pillow into the water and gently agitate the fabric
- Once completed, rinse off any soap residue with clean water until it runs clear
- Allow the pillow to air dry completely before using
Nursing Pillow Drying Tips
Air Drying
Air drying is generally recommended when cleaning your nursing pillow as this ensures that no damage is done to the fabric during the cleaning process. There are several techniques you can use to effectively air dry your nursing pillow, including spreading it out over a flat surface outdoors or indoors in an area with good ventilation. Additionally, using a fan nearby can help speed up drying time significantly but should never be used directly on either side of your nursing pillow as this could cause damage or discolouration.
Machine Drying
Finally, some types of nursing pillows can be dried in a dryer using their tumble dry setting; however, certain materials shouldn’t be exposed directly to heat as this could cause shrinkage or discolouration. If you decide to use your dryer to dry your nursing pillow, make sure that it is made from synthetic materials and check for any care instructions provided by its manufacturer beforehand. To dry your nursing pillow in a dryer:
- Place the nursing pillow into the dryer on its own
- Set the heat level on low and use a gentle tumbling motion
- Check periodically and remove when nearly dry
- Allow the remaining moisture within the fabric to evaporate naturally by laying it flat until completely dry
We hope that this guide has provided you with a comprehensive understanding of how to clean and maintain your nursing pillow. Whether you opt for machine washing or hand washing, air drying or using a dryer, being aware of the best cleaning and drying techniques can help to keep your nursing pillow clean and safe for both you and your baby.