5 Tips To Take Your Strength Training Journey to the Next Level

Having been in the fitness industry professionally for almost two decades, I have seen one common desire among all sporting participants. Whether it’s a beginner, a seasoned competing athlete or a day-to-day gym goer, everyone wants to improve. Even those that exercise for the enjoyment factor alone, feel discouraged when they struggle to do something as well as they once could.
As with any skill, improving fitness, strength, power or speed is largely about consistency. Small, consistent efforts will yield continuous improvement. Inconsistent sessions, even at high effort, are not as effective. As with most things in life, improving fitness takes time and effort.
If you’re putting in the work but not seeing any progress, there are a few simple things you can use to regain momentum:
1. Good Nutrition
Check your diet. It should be full of greens, vegetables and lean protein. Whether you have allergies, prefer a vegetarian diet or do better with meat, keep it healthy, fresh and natural as far as possible. Processed foods won’t do anything for your muscle gain. Fresh, natural foods, on the other hand, include the necessary vitamins, minerals and proteins your body needs to function, recover and perform optimally.
2. Take a Supplement
There are two types of supplements that can enhance strength as well as endurance. Taking a good multivitamin can help ensure well-rounded nourishment for your body and boost your immune system. Taking a pre-workout powder can also give you a boost for the session ahead. Pre-workout supplements range widely in the ingredients they include; caffeine and creatine are common in most types, both of which have shown positive results for strength training.
3. Rest
Your training should include rest. Not resting enough can lead to muscle fatigue, mental fatigue, overuse injuries and poor performance. After a period of consistent training and improvement, it is normal to experience a plateau. This is a stage where your progress levels out as your body gets used to your current workout routine. During this phase, you don’t see results, even if you maintain your training efforts. If you’re struggling with a plateau, take a week off your regular training program and enjoy some leisurely activities such as hiking, walking or even gardening.
4. Change It Up
In addition to getting enough rest, you should incorporate exercises that strengthen smaller supporting and stabilizing muscles. Neglecting them will cause imbalances and poor form and eventually lead to injuries. Your sporting discipline will determine which exercise will be most beneficial. If, for example, you are a cyclist, incorporating a weekly yoga or swimming session will be incredibly beneficial to lengthening your muscles. You will also want to include a day of strength work for your core, back and hip flexors.
5. Take a Recovery Aid
A recovery supplement can be beneficial to help you with post-workout recuperation. These supplements contain ingredients that help replenish lost nutrients, reduce inflammation and muscle soreness and improve recovery time. Creatine monohydrate, glutamine, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D and tart cherry juice are all examples of ingredients commonly included. It is essential to remember that a recovery aid is not a replacement for sufficient rest.
Stay consistent, eat well, give your body the additional support it needs and rest enough. Your goals are waiting for you, go get them! Also, always talk with a healthcare provider before taking new supplements to avoid interference with any medications or personal health concerns.